I read a fascinating little snippet on the DNA Genetics website about astronomers finding a huge void in the universe. Apparently, the hole is a "billion light years across, which is roughly 10,000 times as large as our galaxy or 400 times the distance to Andromeda, the closest 'large' galaxy."
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill physics Professor Laura Mersini-Houghton says, “standard cosmology cannot explain such a giant cosmic hole” and goes further with the ground-breaking hypothesis that the huge void is “… the unmistakable imprint of another universe beyond the edge of our own“.
I'm a moderate fan of scifi and my favorite stories (dating back to the original Star Trek) are those that relate to parallel universes. Most of them are cheesy little fantasies of meeting alternative versions of the same characters, sometimes very savage.
This led me to wonder whether fundraising is necessary in a parallel world or whether all needs are taken care of and there's no suffering. In this parallel world will the arts and public broadcasting thrive because there are enough public dollars to go around? Or maybe money is unnecessary and never even existed.
Talk to you soon!